Elementary Education
​Montessori Elementary Education builds upon the foundational principles established in the Montessori approach for early childhood education. It is designed to foster a love of learning, independence, and critical thinking skills in children aged 6 to 12. This stage of education is commonly referred to as the "lower elementary" (ages 6-9) and "upper elementary" (ages 9-12) levels.
Elementary Education
Montessori Elementary Education builds upon the foundational principles established in the Montessori approach for early childhood education. It is designed to foster a love of learning, independence, and critical thinking skills in children aged 6 to 12. This stage of education is commonly referred to as the "lower elementary" (ages 6-9) and "upper elementary" (ages 9-12) levels.
The Great Lessons
Great Lessons: The "Great Lessons" are a series of impressionistic lessons that are typically introduced at the beginning of the school year in Montessori Elementary education. These lessons serve to ignite the children's curiosity, inspire their imagination, and provide an overarching framework for learning. The five Great Lessons are:
The Story of the Universe: This lesson presents the scientific narrative of the formation of the universe, the development of life, and the history of Earth. It creates a sense of awe and wonder, laying the foundation for scientific exploration and understanding.
The Coming of Life: This lesson focuses on the origins and characteristics of life on Earth. It introduces concepts such as the basic needs of living organisms, adaptation, and evolution.
The Coming of Human Beings: This lesson explores the history and development of human beings, including the study of early civilizations, cultural diversity, and human achievements in various fields.
The Story of Communication: This lesson delves into the evolution of human communication, including the development of language, writing systems, and various forms of expression, such as art, music, and storytelling.
The Story of Numbers: This lesson introduces the history and concepts of mathematics, including the evolution of number systems, mathematical operations, and the role of mathematics in solving real-world problems.
The Great Lessons serve as a springboard for further exploration and study in various academic areas. They encourage children to develop a love for learning, ask questions, and engage in independent research, ultimately fostering a deep understanding and appreciation of the interconnectedness of knowledge.
In Montessori Elementary education, the focus is not solely on academic achievement but also on the holistic development of the child. The goal is to nurture independent, curious, and compassionate individuals who have a strong sense of responsibility towards themselves, others, and the world around them.